Distribution of childcare kits

The Kevin Dodelande Foundation distributed 800 childcare kits to young mothers facing difficulties providing a healthy environment for their newborn babies.
photo of newborn baby

In August 2020, the Kevin Dodelande Foundation distributed 800 childcare kits to young mothers facing difficulties providing a healthy environment for their newborns. This donation was made to the Shelter for Mothers in Difficulty (Centre d’Accueil des Mamans en Difficulté), which plans to use those 800 kits during the regular workshop sessions that gather hundreds of young moms every months.

The childcare kits contains shampoo and soap for babies, an hair brush, round tip scissors, nose cleaners, liniment, compresses, a thermometer and a bath thermometer, physiological serum, a biseptin, clean towels, baby bottles, pacifiers, a bottle brush, and food containers.

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